Commemorative Collection 100TPC 2014

100_Thousand_Poets_for_Change_logo 100 Thousand Poets for Change, or 100TPC, is an international grassroots educational organization focusing on the arts, especially poetry, music, and the literary arts. It was founded in 2011 by Michael Rothenberg and Terri Carrion, and focuses on a world-wide event each September.

The concept of “Change” in the name 100 Thousand Poets for Change refers to social change, but is otherwise broadly defined and dependent on the definitions of individual organizers or poets. 100TPC events do not necessarily share political or philosophical orientation. The 100TPC web site describes the “change” as having only to fall “within the guidelines of peace and sustainability. We sponsored a virtual event and chose to focus on Peace and Justice since the core value of The Bardo Group and Beguine Again is nonviolence. The following are links to contributions from our own Core Team and from our readers. We invite you to read, enjoy and ponder and certainly to feel free to leave comments in the comments sections.

THE MIGHTY PEN: Writers and Poets as Change Agents, Jamie Dedes

WRITERS’ FOURTH WEDNESDAY, Got Change?, Victoria C. Slotto

Ready, Set, Go … The backstory on 100,000 Poets for Change, Jamie Dedes

On the Ground of Battle, Jamie Dedes

The Eve of Distruction, Charles W. Martin

Entering the Sacred Space of Peacefulness, Terri Stewart

Politics, Treachery and … a Rose – Part 1, John Anstie

Politics, Treachery and … a Rose – Part 2, John Anstie

The Other Refugees, Corina Ravenscraft

A Mote Suspended in a Sunbeam, Carl Sagan

war’s cold night, Charles W. Martin

Under the Mango Sky, Jamie Dedes

Finding Joy in the Possibility of Change: The Harvest, Terri Stewart

Holding Still, Jenifer Cartland

Realization Arrival, Di Turner

100,000 Poets for Change, Let’s Face It, Priscilla Galasso

Inspired by Poets for Change: Monday Meanderings, Victoria C. Slotto

People of Continually Flowing Waters, Susan Chast

Warum?, Viv Blake

The next global event for 100,000 Poets for Change is 26 September 2015. Spread the word … Be the peace!

16 thoughts on “Commemorative Collection 100TPC 2014

    1. Yup! It’s in an email from Michael and Terri, which I forward to everyone this a.m. It is a Saturday …

      ” . . . the next 100TPC Global event will be September 26, 2015. I hope you will begin spreading the word now! Come join us again! Together we can make a positive difference in the world!”


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